Saturday, March 8, 2008

Ventilation of a Yurt!

The design of the yurt makes ventilation very simple. The yurt is designed in such a way that the roof peaks to a ring and the ring can be covered or left open.

To cool off a yurt is easy. Simply uncover the ring opening at the top center of the yurt. This will cause a vacuum effect which will pull cool air in from open windows and let warm air escape out the top, since warm air rises.

To warm a yurt is easy as well, simply cover the ring opening at the top center of the yurt. This will lock the air inside. Warm air will rise and then circulate back into the yurt warming the it up.


Dale Parkes said...

I wonder if there have been any problems with condensation forming at the top of the ceiling?

Cari said...

Thats a good question do you think that would be a good question to ask one of the yurt companies when i send out my emails?
Travis sent me a link to an online chat where they only have discussions on yurts so maybe i could ask questions on there. Do you think it would be ok to get some of my research off an online chat like that??

Dale Parkes said...

It is a good question to ask, but it is always better if you can back up any statement with an academic (published) reference. Be sure to ask them if there are any books or articles that you could read.